System and interactive device designed for domestic help in Indian context to help them in communication, entertainment, finance, health, learning and security.
About the project
The project envisioned a system design to make domestic help in India gain control of their lives through a series of interventions over a period of time, manage money in the unorganized sector to empower themselves by building applications for fund management, accounting, savings, physical and job security, social and professional networking to make domestic help a sustainable profession. The final concept was a mobile product with a jewelry attachment called AVAAZ helping achieve the design goals of the project.
The Process
A process of brainstorming, affinity mapping, user group selection, mind mapping, user studies, one day in the life of, concepts, concept detailing and scenario was followed over 2 weeks towards the system and product design concept.
Browse the process presentation below:
Project team
Amalendhu S P, Harish C B, Sakshi Gambhir, Somya Jampala